Source code for interactive.plugin

import pytest
import math
import errno
import re
import os
from os.path import expanduser, join
from operator import attrgetter, itemgetter
from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple

def pytest_addoption(parser):
    parser.addoption("--interactive", "--ia", action="store_true",
                     help="enable iteractive selection of tests after"
                     " collection")

[docs]def pytest_collection_modifyitems(session, config, items): """called after collection has been performed, may filter or re-order the items in-place. """ if not (config.option.interactive and items): return capman = config.pluginmanager.getplugin("capturemanager") if capman: capman.suspendcapture(in_=True) tr = config.pluginmanager.getplugin('terminalreporter') from .shell import PytestShellEmbed, SelectionMagics # prep a separate ipython history file fname = 'shell_history.sqlite' confdir = join(expanduser('~'), '.config', 'pytest_interactive') try: os.makedirs(confdir) except OSError as e: # py2 compat if e.errno == errno.EEXIST: pass else: raise selection = FuncCollection() PytestShellEmbed.pytest_hist_file = join(confdir, fname) ipshell = PytestShellEmbed(banner1='Entering IPython shell...') ipshell.register_magics(SelectionMagics) # shell needs ref to curr selection ipshell.selection = selection # build a tree of test items tr.write_line("Building test tree...") # test tree needs ref to shell tree = TestTree(items, tr, ipshell, selection, config) intro = """Welcome to pytest-interactive, the pytest + IPython sensation!\n Please explore the collected test tree using tt.<TAB> HINT: when finished tabbing to a test node, simply __call__() it to have pytest invoke all tests collected under that node.""" user_ns = { '_tree': tree, 'tt': tree._root, 'shell': ipshell, 'config': config, 'session': session, '_selection': selection, 'lastfailed': tree.get_cache_items(path='cache/lastfailed'), } # preload cached test sets for name, testnames in tree.get_cache_dict().items(): user_ns[name] = tree.get_cache_items(key=name) # embed and block until user exits ipshell(intro, local_ns=user_ns) # submit final selection if selection: items[:] = list(selection.values())[:] else: items[:] = []
_root_ids = ('.', '') Package = namedtuple('Package', 'name path node parent')
[docs]def gen_nodes(item, cache, root_name): '''generate all parent objs of this node up to the root/session ''' path = () # pytest node api - lists path items in order chain = item.listchain() for node in chain: try: name =, '.').rstrip('.py') except AttributeError as ae: # when either Instance or non-packaged module if isinstance(node, pytest.Instance): # leave out Instances, later versions are going to drop them # anyway continue elif node.nodeid in _root_ids: name = root_name else: # XXX should never get here raise ae # packaged module if '.' in name and isinstance(node, pytest.Module): # FIXME: this should be cwd dependent!!! # (i.e. don't add package objects we're below in the fs) prefix = tuple(name.split('.')) lpath = node.fspath fspath = str(lpath) # don't include the mod name in path for level in prefix[:-1]: name = '{}{}'.format(fspath[:fspath.index(level)], level) path += (level,) yield path, Package(name, lpath, node, node.parent) name = prefix[-1] # this mod's name # func item elif isinstance(node, pytest.Item): name = if '[' in name: funcname = name.split('[')[0] try: # TODO: look up the pf based on the vanilla func obj # (should be an attr on the _pyfuncitem...) pf = cache[path + (funcname,)] except KeyError: # parametrized func is a collection of funcs pf = FuncCollection() = funcname pf.parent = node.parent # set parent like other nodes pf.append(node) path += (funcname,) yield path, pf # all other nodes path += (name,) yield path, node
[docs]def dirinfo(obj): """return relevant __dir__ info for obj """ return sorted(set(dir(type(obj)) + list(obj.__dict__.keys())))
[docs]def tosymbol(ident): """Replace illegal python characters with underscores in the provided string identifier and return """ ident = str(ident) ident = ident.replace(' ', '_') ident = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9_]', '_', ident) if ident and ident[0].isdigit(): return '' return ident
[docs]class FuncCollection(object): '''A selection of functions ''' def __init__(self, funcitems=None): self.funcs = OrderedDict() if funcitems: if not isinstance(funcitems, list): funcitems = [funcitems] for item in funcitems: self.append(item) def append(self, item, attr_path='nodeid'): # self.funcs[tosymbol(attrgetter(attr_path)(item))] = item self.funcs[attrgetter(attr_path)(item)] = item def addtests(self, test_set): for item in test_set._items: self.append(item) def remove(self, item): self.funcs.pop(item.nodeid, None) def removetests(self, test_set): for item in test_set._items: self.remove(item) def clear(self): self.funcs.clear() def keys(self): return self.funcs.keys() def values(self): return self.funcs.values() def __len__(self): return len(self.funcs) def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, int): return self.enumitems()[key][1] if isinstance(key, (int, slice)): return list(map(itemgetter(1), self.enumitems()[key])) return self.funcs[key] def __dir__(self): return dirinfo(self) def items(self): return self.funcs.items() def enumitems(self, items=None): if not items: items = self.funcs.values() return [(i, node) for i, node in enumerate(items)]
[docs]class TestTree(object): '''A tree of all collected tests ''' def __init__(self, funcitems, termrep, shell, selection, config): self._funcitems = funcitems # never modify this self._selection = selection # items must be unique self._path2items = OrderedDict() self._item2paths = {} self._path2children = {} self._nodes = {} self._cache = {} root_name = funcitems[0].listchain()[0].name if funcitems else '' for item in funcitems: for path, node in gen_nodes(item, self._nodes, root_name): self._path2items.setdefault(path, []).append(item) self._item2paths.setdefault(item, []).append(path) if path not in self._nodes: self._nodes[path] = node # map parent path to set of children paths self._path2children.setdefault(path[:-1], []).append(path) self._root = TestSet(self, (root_name,)) self.__class__.__getitem__ = self._root.__getitem__ # pytest terminal reporter self._tr = termrep self._shell = shell self._config = config def from_items(self, items): return type(self)(items, self._tr, self._shell, self._selection, self._config) def __getattr__(self, key): try: object.__getattribute__(self, key) except AttributeError: return getattr(self._root, key) def _tprint(self, items, tr=None): '''extended from pytest.terminal.TerminalReporter._printcollecteditems ''' if not tr: tr = self._tr if not items: tr.write('ERROR: ', red=True) tr.write_line("not enough items to display") return stack = [] indent = "" ncols = int(math.ceil(math.log10(len(items)))) for i, item in enumerate(items): needed_collectors = item.listchain()[1:] # strip root node while stack: if stack == needed_collectors[:len(stack)]: break stack.pop() for col in needed_collectors[len(stack):]: if == "()": continue stack.append(col) indent = (len(stack) - 1) * " " if col == item: index = "{}".format(i) else: index = '' indent = indent[:-len(index) or None] + (ncols+1) * " " tr.write("{}".format(index), green=True) tr.write_line("{}{}".format(indent, col)) def err(self, msg): self._tr.write("ERROR: ", red=True) self._tr.write_line(msg) def get_cache_dict(self, path=None): if path is None: path = '/'.join(['pytest-interactive', 'cache']) cache = self._config.cache cachedict = cache.get(path, None) if cachedict is None: cache.set(path, {}) cachedict = cache.get(path, None) return cachedict def get_cache_items(self, path=None, key=None): entry = self.get_cache_dict(path=path) testnames = entry.get(key) if key else entry if not testnames: return self.err( "No cache entry for '{}'" .format('{}[key={}]'.format(path, key))) items_dict = OrderedDict( [(item.nodeid, item) for item in self._funcitems]) return self.from_items( [items_dict.get(name) for name in testnames if items_dict.get(name)] )._root
[docs] def set_cache_items(self, key, testset): """Enter test items for the given name into the cache under the provided key. If ``bool(testset) == False`` delete the entry. """ cachedict = self.get_cache_dict() names = [] if testset: for item in testset._items: names.append(item.nodeid) if not names: # remove entry when empty cachedict.pop(key, None) else: cachedict[key] = names cache = self._config.cache cache.set("pytest-interactive/cache", cachedict)
def item2params(item): cs = getattr(item, 'callspec', None) # return map(tosymbol, cs.params.values()) return tuple(map(tosymbol,'-'))) if cs else () def by_name(idents): if idents: def predicate(item): params = item2params(item) for ident in idents: if ident not in params: return False return True return predicate else: return lambda item: True
[docs]class TestSet(object): '''Represent a pytest node/item test set for use as a tab complete-able object in ipython. An internal reference is kept to the pertaining pytest Node and hierarchical lookups are delegated to the containing TestTree. ''' def __init__(self, tree, path, indices=None, params=()): self._tree = tree self._path = path self._len = len(path) if indices is None: indices = slice(indices) elif isinstance(indices, int): # create a slice which will slice out a single element # (the 'or' expr is here for the 'indices = -1' case) indices = slice(indices, indices + 1 or None) self._ind = indices # might be a slice self._params = params self._paramf = by_name(params) def __str__(self): return "<{} with {} items>".format(type(self).__name__, len(self._items)) def __repr__(self): """Pretty print the current set to console """ self._tree._tr.write_line("") items = self._items self._tree._tprint(items) self._tree._tr.write_line("") # nodename = getattr(self._node, 'name', None) # TODO: it'd be nice if we could render the std pytest cli selection # syntax here for copy paste to a direct shell invocation. ident = "Total {} tests".format(len(items)) return ident def __dir__(self): if isinstance(self._node, FuncCollection): return dir(self.params) return self._childkeys + ['params'] @property def _childkeys(self): '''sorted list of child keys ''' return sorted([key[self._len] for key in self._iterchildren()]) @property def params(self): """Return a `CallSpecParameters` object who's instance variables are named according to available 'callspec parameters' in child nodes and who's values are `TestSets` corresponding to tests which contain those parameters """ def _new(ident): """Closure who delivers a func who returns new `TestSets` based on this one but with an extended `_params` according to `ident` """ @property def test_set(pself): return self._new(params=self._params + (ident,)) return test_set ns = {} for item in self._items: ns.update({ident: _new(ident) for ident in item2params(item) if ident and ident not in self._params}) return type('CallspecParameters', (), ns)() def _iterchildren(self): # if we have callspec ids in our getattr chain, filter out any # children who's items are not in our set by checking the # intersection of our items with child items for path in self._tree._path2children[self._path]: if set(self._tree._path2items[path]) & set(self._items): yield path def __iter__(self): for path in self._iterchildren(): yield self._new(path=path) @property def _items(self): # XXX might it be possible here to do something more efficient here? return [item for item in filter(self._paramf, self._tree._path2items[self._path])][self._ind] def _enumitems(self): return self._tree._selection.enumitems(self._items) def __getitem__(self, key): '''Return a new subset/node ''' if isinstance(key, str): if key is 'parent': return self._new(path=self._path[:-1]) elif key in self._childkeys: # key is a subchild name return self._new(path=self._path + (key,)) else: if key in dir(self.params): return self._new(params=self._params + (key,)) raise KeyError(key) elif isinstance(key, (int, slice)): return self._new(indices=key) def _new(self, tree=None, path=None, indices=None, params=None): # do caching? return self._tree._cache.setdefault(args*, ... return type(self)( tree or self._tree, path or self._path, indices, params or self._params) def __getattr__(self, attr): try: return object.__getattribute__(self, attr) except AttributeError: try: return self[attr] except KeyError as ke: raise AttributeError(ke) @property def _node(self, path=None): return self._tree._nodes[path or self._path] def __call__(self, key=None): """Select and run all tests under this node plus any already previously selected once shell exits """ self._tree._selection.addtests(self) self._tree._shell.exit() if self._tree._shell.keep_running: # if user aborts remove all tests from this set self._tree._selection.removetests(self)